by Melody Julius


Editor's Note F/W '23


And just like that, the end of the year is somehow here — festivities are in full swing, I have Christmas jazz playing nonstop, our tree has been up for several weeks, and our annual baking extravaganza has been scheduled. We’re prepping to host a holiday party and making travel arrangements to see family. We’re wrapping up work and choosing how to best invest the last of our energy in 2023.

This all may sound rather hectic but actually, I feel more at peace with my capacity this December than I have in years past. We’ve carefully chosen what we feel we actually have time for and have declined all the rest, allowing ourselves to fully enjoy and commit to the things that did make it on the list.

I’ve shared on social that I’m proud of myself for letting go of a lot of the pressure I would normally feel this time of year. I opened this tab to write a post for the first time in a few months and sighed, thinking of how I missed doing an Autumn Moodboard, I never shared anything for Fall at all actually… but then I remember that I’ve had such a wonderful season being present with the people I love, which is what hosting and Flourish are ultimately all about. It’s okay to not do it all. It’s okay to be human! And I need to constantly remind myself of that simple truth, especially right now.

Now don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of grand plans for the upcoming year that I’m very excited about. But I’m holding them loosely! Who knows how things will shift and evolve over a year’s time? And making sure to give space for rest and recovery remains at the top of my priorities list. It’s really the only way to build something that will last.

Caveats aside, I wanted to share some of these plans with you, my community! I’m so grateful for all your feedback this year as I launched Flourish and have slowly been finding my footing — I am always listening, noting your ideas, and eagerly digging deeper when you send me your thoughts. You’ve given me a wonderful foundation to keep building on and you encourage me to stay vulnerable and keep asking for/accepting help.



2024 GOALS

My first and most important goal is to keep finding ways to encourage this space to be a communal one. I’d love for Flourish to be a place to chat with like-minded individuals who simply love bringing people together, facilitating connection, and creating beautiful spaces to enjoy life together. This can look so wildly different — not everyone has the same tastes, styles, food preferences, etc etc and that’s the beauty of gathering — its an opportunity to share pieces of ourselves with others and receive new experiences in return. Practically speaking, this goal could look like in-person opportunities to connect in 2024, brainstorming ways to have more group conversation (web + social feel very one-sided), and seeking ways to collaborate with other artists/hostesses (my mind is buzzing with possibilities on this front!)

In terms of products for the coming year, I have SO many ideas I’m really excited about and it’s a little bit crushing to realize that I have to choose what to focus on because good things take time! I won’t ever compromise on quality — I’m only going to offer something I feel is perfect. So, I’m considering a format of themed, seasonal collection drops — having a predictable cadence like that feels more manageable at this point in time. Feel free to continue letting me know what kinds of offerings most appeal to you as I plan ahead for Spring. I may also open up some opportunities to work together 1:1. I always come back to my love for completely custom solutions and feel like that’s what a lot of us are seeking. Stay tuned!

In line with that shift, I’m considering moving away from Etsy and creating a shop here on the site. From the beginning, I felt like Etsy wasn’t quite the right place to build my brand, but it was so easy to set up and it made my few products visible without needing to spend too much on advertising. So it’s been helpful for a time, but I think I’m reaching a point where I want full control over the brand experience. I might put together some small focus groups to see what most resonates — let me know if that’s something you’d want to be a part of.

Finally, I’m going to keep curating as that’s what I love most…whether that’s inspiration, recommendations, or insights I’ve gleaned from this journey. I so enjoy collecting and sharing things, and hope you’ll do the same. Social media has become a trickier space than ever lately to do this so I’m going to try to invest more into this site as a resource to return to.



I’m wrapping this year feeling so very grateful for the experiences and lessons I get to take with me. Traveling to Bali this summer taught me so much about hospitality and generosity. Being hosted by friends on the East Coast this Fall showed me a new side of them that I loved. Getting to invite so many people into my home this year, whether as house guests or for dinner parties created so many special memories. My desire to connect others is stronger than ever before — in a world that can feel so divided and hopeless, I believe one of the simplest acts of hope we can engage in is to open our hearts and our homes to others. Intentionally create spaces that are safe, warm, genuine. Foster vulnerability, trust, and love. Share the beauty available in this life with friends and family.

There’s a bit more to come before I say goodbye to 2023, but for now, I wish you all peace in this season.

Warmly, m